There’s a dark side to egg freezing that no one is talking about

The INSIDER Summary:

  • Egg freezing is more popular than ever. 
  • It’s marketed as a way to preserve female fertility and delay motherhood. 
  • But the success rates are lower than you might expect.
  • Egg freezing advocate Brigitte Adams recently used her frozen eggs and miscarried.
  • She wants women to understand the often harsh realities of using frozen eggs to get pregnant.

Brigitte Adams froze her eggs way before it was trendy.

Back in 2010, when she first started to think about procedure, major medical organizations still considered it experimental and the internet was devoid of egg freezing blogs and websites. Adams had to research the process in her public library.

Finally, in 2012, with help from a fertility clinic in California, she froze 11 eggs. She was 39 years old at the time.

Soon after, Adams launched Eggsurance, an online egg freezing forum, so that other women could research the option more easily. The site was a hit. She was interviewed in TIME, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal — she even appeared on the cover of Bloomberg Businessweek. She felt positive and empowered. She told the New York Times freezing her eggs had given her “incredible calmness.”

Six years later, she came back to use those eggs. That’s when everything changed.

IVF egg

“I was really nervous women were going to come back and use their eggs and it wasn’t going to work,” Adams, now 44, told INSIDER. “And of course that happened to me.”

Only one of Adams’s 11 eggs survived after thawing and fertilization with donor sperm. The lone embryo was transferred to her uterus, where it successfully implanted. On a Saturday in early March, she found out she was pregnant. Then, three days later, she found out that she wasn’t. Adams had suffered a very early miscarriage sometimes called a chemical pregnancy.

“I have no more eggs to try,” she wrote in a short post on the Eggsurance blog. “I have no more eggs to retrieve. I have no energy to try again.”

More and more women are going to freeze their eggs — and they may not have realistic expectations about the outcome.

egg retrieval procedure

The number of women who froze their eggs at US fertility clinics grew by more than 700% between 2009 and 2013. 

Now, new boutique fertility clinics with competitive pricing are popping up in major cities. They claim egg freezing is the “best gift” you can give yourself — that it will help you “stop time” and “take control of your fertility future.” Egg freezing isn’t going anywhere.

Not all women who freeze their eggs will come back to use them — there’s always a chance they’ll get pregnant naturally or choose not to have biological children. But Adams is worried that few women are prepared for the often difficult reality of using frozen eggs.

“Freezing your eggs is easy,” she told INSIDER. “There’s no next step to it. You’re done, you compartmentalize it, you move on with your life […] Things get hard when you are actually completing the process.”

Egg freezing success rates are surprisingly low.

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The ASRM says there’s only a 2 to 12% chance that a frozen egg, even from a woman younger than 38, will result in a baby. Doctors collect multiple eggs, though, which increases the odds. Dr. Jane Frederick, MD, a board certified fertility expert in California, told INSIDER that women who use frozen eggs have about a 25% to 50% chance of having a baby, depending on age.

Frederick’s assessment falls in line with a recent report published by the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART). It’s an organization that collects data from fertility clinics across the US to determine success rates of pregnancy and birth using frozen eggs and other interventions.

The report is on based real outcomes from women who thawed and used their own frozen eggs in 2014. Women under 35 had a 42.7% chance of giving birth. For women ages 35 to 37, the chance dropped to 39.6%. For women ages 38 to 40, it was 33.7%. And for women 41 to 42, it was 27.3%.

But in women older than 42 — the age bracket Adams was in when she tried to conceive with her frozen eggs — the chance of live birth sunk to 19.6%.

“I think a lot of women think, ‘Oh, my eggs are frozen, I’m good! I don’t have to worry about it.’ But I do tell them that there’s no guarantee here,” Frederick said. “It’s just a back up plan.”

Egg freezing is also insanely expensive.

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The average cycle costs $6,000 to $10,000, according to Frederick, plus an annual egg storage free of several hundred dollars. And it probably won’t be covered by your insurance. (There is an exception: Some women freeze their eggs if they must take drugs, like chemotherapy, that will harm their fertility. In these cases, insurance might cover the costs.)

Some employers, including Apple and Facebook, have begun footing the egg freezing bill for their female employees, which certainly relieves financial strain. But some critics argue that offering such a benefit might compel women to have children later, when it’s riskier.

Others say egg freezing simply fails to address the larger problem: That societal and workplace pressures make it difficult for working women to have kids during their most fertile years.

Adams said she would do some things differently if she could try it again.

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First, Adams stressed that women need to do their research, ask doctors lots of questions, and relentlessly advocate for themselves at the clinic.

She said her doctor didn’t fully explain the significance of early blood tests that assessed her fertility. He also didn’t suggest multiple cycles of egg collection — something lots of older women do to increase their chances of success. She completed her single cycle and her doctor never contacted her again. Adams assumed what she’d done was adequate and left it at that. After all, this was in the early days of egg freezing, and she didn’t have many examples to compare herself to.

Later, when she had only one viable embryo, that same doctor told her that he would have expected this result, given her earlier test results.

“That just killed me,” Adams said. She feels that a deeper understanding of her blood tests and another round or two of egg freezing might have changed her outcome.

newborn baby

“Unfortunately it’s not going to change in a medical office,” she said. “It’s women coming in with the right questions and really being realistic about the process.” She also suggested looking up a clinic’s published success rates before choosing. She added: “Your eggs are not a guarantee and you need a plan C.”

Adams also advised against waiting for the “perfect” time to thaw and use the eggs. Really, she explained, there’s no such thing.

“I was never going to become a single mom, I was never going to try after after 42. All the ‘nevers’ I said, I’ve done. You don’t know what’s going to happen with your life,” she said. Now, she’s moving on and trying to get pregnant using a donor egg.

Adams is still glad she froze her eggs — but she wants to make sure other women hear her story.

“More and more women are going to do it. It’s getting cheaper. People are doing multiple cycles, more women are talking about it,” she said.

That’s why women need to hear about the the triumphs and the failures of egg freezing technology.

“You need to see what the second step looks like […] You’re going to be in this sort of Disneyland world of egg freezing where everything’s possible. And I guess that’s what really really concerns me. It’s fine and dandy to freeze your eggs, but it’s not the whole story. And I think that we’re giving women half a story.”

Read more about egg freezing and Brigitte Adams’ story on Eggsurance.

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